Interim Succession Planning for business continuation
What is your business’s interim succession plan when a key owner or manager leaves unexpectedly? Here’s some information to get you started.
What is your business’s interim succession plan when a key owner or manager leaves unexpectedly? Here’s some information to get you started.
Selling a business is a complicated business transaction, but depending on the nature of the business and the assets being transferred, there’s ways to make it go easier. It’s important that well before the actual sale date the business books and records are in order, […]
Commercial Loan. All money that comes into a business goes into one of three categories: revenue, purchase of equity, or a commercial loan. That’s it, there’s no such thing as a “gift” to a business (although grants are not uncommon here in Asheville). It’s important […]
In 25 years working with businesses of all sorts, I’ve never seen a “form” or “standard” or “basic” commercial lease. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, especially the landlord trying to convince you to sign a lease without reading it or negotiating key terms. Every […]
Like most professions, law is filled with a specialized language not generally used by the public like franchise, license, or partnership. What I’ve heard in my career is that although business people have a grasp on what they want to accomplish, the don’t necessarily know […]
This article discusses best practices for using corporate Resolutions (includes LLC and partnership) (see THIS ARTICLE on how to draft them). For ordinary and routine business operations, corporate Resolutions are not needed. However, under certain circumstances a Board of Directors, LLC Managers or Members, or partners […]
Corporate Resolutions. An interesting issue recently came up with a client where it had to correct some numbers on an accounting log that had been entered wrong, simple mistake. The problem was that for tax and investor disclosure purposes, the managers couldn’t just go back […]
Does my business need to hire a business lawyer for vendor contracts? A question I get asked a lot, the answer is not always, but often times it helps to have the guidance and control that good legal advice and drafting can provide. Something as […]
Business liability. It strikes fear. Not every business transaction needs a lawyer, but often times it helps to have the guidance and control that good legal advice and drafting can provide. Something as basic as a contract can help the parties determine their obligations such […]