Are your lawyer, CPA and commercial insurance broker working together to meet analyze and help your business with risk mitigation legal strategies? Your business attorney, CPA and insurance agent should be working together to come up with risk mitigation legal strategies. In the seminars I give and in some of my podcasts, myself, and a CPA and insurange agent talk about how the Asheville Trusted Advisor Council work together to identify the risks your business faces, and then mitigate them through legal, tax and insurance strategies.
For example, does your business have delivery vehicles? There is a legal, accounting and tax, and insurable component to those vehicles. Legally, your employee should know not to use the vehicle for personal errands. You should train your employee in driving a commercial vehicle. Last, do they have appropriate commercial licenses to drive that vehicle. There is also an element of protecting your business from liability for the acts of the employee while driving that vehicle.
Which gets us to insurance. The vehicle should be insured against damage, but also the driver and your business against liability. And of course there must be workers compensation insurance on that employee. And finally, the vehicle is an asset that can be depreciated. This is a CPA / tax issue. This is just one example of how many elements of business risk can have a legal, accounting, and insurable interest.
Listen here: PODCAST for more information on building your team of professional consultants
Contact me if you have any questions on any business transaction. In western North Carolina, Asheville, Waynesville, Hendersonville at (312) 671-6453.
Email me at: palermo@palermolaw.com.
Be sure to check out my other blog posts HERE.
Listen to my podcasts on business law here: BIZRADIO BUSINESS LAW PODCAST