Board of Directors for Your Corporation: Statutory Authority
Your corporation is required by statute to have a board of directors. But why, and what do they do? Find out in this quick video.
Your corporation is required by statute to have a board of directors. But why, and what do they do? Find out in this quick video.
Friends and family loans can be great resources to help your business start and grow. But there are the obvious pitfalls of dealing with family when it comes to money and your business. The main thing I advise my clients on when taking money for […]
Online legal documents. On Facebook this morning I saw a picture of a coffee mug that said, “Please do not confuse your Google search with my medical degree”. My first thought was “same, but ‘law degree’” The internet has given the appearance of making complex […]
Terms of service for your commercial web site – they’re not important, right? Just go ahead and copy someone else’s, change the name at the top, and your business will be fine. Don’t even read them. Bury them in a link at the bottom of […]
Do I need a business lawyer? Not every business transaction needs a business lawyer. You know that. When one business sells materials to another pursuant to a purchase order, that’s a legally binding transaction, but the parties can’t possibly need or want a lawyer every […]
North Carolina just passed its crowdfunding statute, and is currently drafting regulations to implement it. The “Providing Access to Capital for Entrepreneurs and Small Business” Act – PACES – is a N.C. law that allows N.C. businesses to raise capital from N.C. investors. If you […]
Business Succession Planning Business succession planning is important for business owners as you and your business mature. It can mean doing nothing – disasterous – working with your family and estate lawyer to transfer ownership to a family member on your death; or coming to […]
This week’s Insight discusses the control of a business – who makes the corporate decisions. The answer is dependent on the business form (sole proprietorship, partnership, Corporation, LLC) and how it was set up in the first place. The worst decision-making setup (and the best […]
“Nonprofit” and 501(c)(3) seem to go hand in hand. But something interesting popped up on my radar the other day, it turns out that not every “not for profit” needs to qualify for tax exempt status under the Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3) in order […]
LLC decision making: LLCs are unique in that “ownership” has two different meanings. First, it means the right to make decisions about how the business is operated. That’s called “Membership” and “Management”. Second is a right to receive profits from the LLC, that’s called an […]