The Laws of Growing Your Business Seminar

Ready to start and grow your business on the right track? Ready to learn about growing your business? Start your business out right by creating a clear framework for operating the business, growing it, working with investors, and selling it.  In this business seminar we’ll […]

Share Terminology in the Corporate Structure

I might do a few of these posts about share terminology in the corporate structure. Today I’m talking about authorized, issued, and outstanding shares. There’s three states a share can be in within the corporate structure: authorized (sometimes called “available”), “issued”, and “outstanding”. First Up […]

Corporate Decision Making: Who Controls a Business?

Corporate Decision Making: Who Controls a Business? There are competing interests in mid-sized and larger corporate ownership. Hopefully all parties work toward making the business successful and putting out a quality product. However, these parties often disagree about how to make that happen. This post […]